
Safdar Marqus is a minister who preaches to the poverty stricken in Pakistan.  His mission has fed those enslaved in modern-day slavery where families including the children are forced to work by making bricks in kilns instead of getting an education in public schools.  Safdar’s calling is to preach to those places that are hard to go.  Safdar’s work has preached and fed these families and need help with getting them help to become a financially self-sustaining community.

Getting the gospel preached and heard in Pakistan, which is mostly a Muslim country, is difficult at best and definitely the front-line for the missions field.  Safdar’s wife and partner in the gospel, Ambreen is also an evangelist and is very anointed in the area of soul-winning.

Safdar and Ambreen’s calling is to preach the gospel to these poor people and he goes to them.  His vyzyn is to build a church, where the people can come and unite as a Christ-centered community and grow in knowledge of the Bible and learn how to cultivate a real relationship with Jesus.  Safdar and Ambreen’s goal is that the people become disciples through solid Bible preaching, teaching, church administration and praying and cultivating strong relationships that build a community that glorifies Jesus Christ.

Each year Safdar and Ambreen provide the basic necessities of life (food and clothing) but this year Safdar and Ambreen are seeking donations that will give these families a true Christmas by giving gifts of shoes, clothes, toys and food.  This mission consists of over 500 people in this community.  Will you help?  If you are looking for a place to give your year-end donations, this is a ministry that will be worth your effort.  As you give to those who are truly seeking a relationship with God, you know you’ve met the requirement from Christ as He spoke in Matthew 25:  When I was hungry, you fed me.  When I was naked, you clothed me.



If you would like to donate to this Mission in Pakistan, please click on the top right “Donate Now” button and write in “MIssion Pakistan” in the comment section.  Thank you!