The Metaphor of the Cross – Part 4: The Patibulum (Conclusion)

The Cross is a metaphor of JusticeWebster’s Collegiate Dictionary first definition of justice states:  “1.  The maintenance or administration of what is just esp. by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishment.”

This definition precludes the philosophy that truth is relative.  Truth is an absolute.  The mere fact that the necessity of justice for any government to rule effectively is ample proof that justice is not only required, but also defines both good and evil.  And, the fact that good and evil co-exist requires the recognition that both good and evil each possess its own source and jurisdiction.  However, no man qualifies to judge his fellow man individually or mankind collectively because no one possesses the requirement of perfection to do so.  [Perfection in this instance would have to mean the condition or quality of being completely good, possessing no evil.]  Thus the very state of the absence of perfection by the existence of both good and evil coexisting also supports the idea that perfection exists.  That reality can only be found in a Supreme Being or God.

In addition, if one comes to the conclusion in that God exists, then one must conclude the necessity of being in right standing with God is required.  Such right standing is the state of righteousness, which is accepting God’s definition of good and evil and endeavoring to perform to His standard.  Everyone knows they lack the power or ability to perform and conform to God’s standard of perfection.  God, in His brilliancy devised the most amazing plan of salvation in sending His own son, the mediator between Him and mankind.  But a mediator would not only require the ability to mediate, but also require the capacity of representing both sides.  This capacity would require standing as both supernatural and natural.  But the validation comes in Christ in that He was not just a man, but a perfect man.  Perfect in holiness as a natural man, as God designed.  It required Jesus to live his entire life on this earth and live it holy, without sin to fulfill the requirement of God’s perfect standard an have such capacity to mediate.  No human being could have imagined such a plan that is legally sound as God’s plan of salvation for mankind.  It applies to everyone, but each one must accept it on an individual basis.  It pays for everyone, but not everyone will enter into the plan.  It truly is God’s masterpiece.

So why spend your life living outside His administrative plan?  By mere definition God, in being the possessor of all things good, would only want to give you good.  There’s all kinds of scripture to support this claim.  Psalm 38:4:  Taste and see that the Lord is good.  Interesting how he mentions “taste” here when it all started by tasting the fruit of a tree where the dichotomy began.  And for the lawyers:  Who’s report will you believe? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?  [Is. 53:1]  It’s interesting that many members of the intelligencia refuse to research the scriptures and dismiss it as fable without ever reading them.  It’s very interesting that the so-called scholars have fastened their minds to the view that God does not exist because if He did, then why all the evil.  It’s interesting that they don’t study the scriptures and see the correlation of the Old and New Testaments and see how the Old Testament hides the New inside it while the New Testament reveals the Old Testament.  It’s interesting the argument of the scholars is that the Bible is confusing and doesn’t make sense and those who believe in the God of the Bible they call a fool who uses the Bible as a crutch without even reading the Bible for themselves and determining by the same criteria used in other areas of knowledge.

Usually the next question is:  So if God is the source of all things good and the devil is the source of all things bad, then why did God allow mankind to get stuck in the middle of their conflict?  That question is simple:  God does not want robots.  He knew in His infinite wisdom that mankind would need to begin in righteousness in order to acknowledge in the end that only man’s acceptance of God’s grace can keep us from violating His laws.  There’s that word again:  grace.  Oh how those outside the covenant of grace hate that word!  They hate it because the prides inside their hearts blind them from the truth. The cross is a stumbling block to many because they can’t put down their pride and acknowledge their inability to save themselves from the eternal judgment.  God will pronounce His final judgment upon all individually.  No one gets away with anything – period.  Every word spoken will come under God’s judgment.

Rewards will be taken and given even to those inside the covenant of grace.  Many of them ignore it and don’t bridle their tongues.  It’s a shame that pride has so infiltrated the church from the top down that today’s church should apologize to the popes of the middle ages for slicked down double talk in the pulpits.  At least the popes were honest enough to say what they meant.  Today’s preachers are slick in their marching to the beat of drum of pride.  No love walk.  Sure, those within the covenant of grace are saved from eternal damnation, but that does not mean they won’t get their rewards given or taken in their own final judgment at the marriage supper of the Lamb – and they’ll have to live eternally with what they get.  Everyone’s rewards will speak the truth about their lives in eternity.  This is where the church’s focus needs to be.  It requires living in the epistles, but many don’t live like that.  The fact is that the same Jesus who died, is the same Jesus who returns but He returns to judge those who refused God’s grace and ignored His commandment to love one another.

Now, imagine if you gave someone a wonderful gift and they looked you up and down and sneered and walked away.  That’s just how God views those who refuse His report.  When one refuses God’s report, he in effect calls God a liar.  It’s the entire report of God and it’s His report we must believe, not the devil’s.  And it’s whose report you believe that is the actual administration of justice (or good and evil) that the Cross affords.  It’s God report that must be taken as reliable in this trial, not the devil’s.  And to whose report do we believe determines the outcome of our own life’s trial.  We’re either innocent or guilty.  There is NO middle ground here.  Heaven or hell is where we go.  There is no such thing as non-existence.  Why?  Because we’re created in God’s image.  God would never create something after His own image and deny it existence because He will never die.  If we’re created in His image and He never dies, then obviously we will never cease to exist.

So what say you?  Need more evidence?  No body, no evidence and you need evidence?  Here’s your evidence: the fact that there is no evidence, IS your evidence.  Why?  Because God spoke the world into existence and His word says, “heaven and earth will pass away but My word will not pass away.”  That means the entire argument of who God is and what is His truth and where do you stand with it is all litigated within His word.  It also means that one must find the evidence in His word to base their argument against Him.  Evidence that’s conflicts within the scriptures correctly.  Such evidence does not exist.  Another point of God’s brilliance.  He keeps His word and can do amazing things that appear to man as though it’s outside His word and conflicts with His word, but in fact, it’s all inside His word.  It’s man who has the problem perceiving; not God.

So you see how God solved the sin problem with the Cross?  It solves every social ill and isms of all societies.  The Cross puts everyone on the same level.  Everyone has the capacity to accept it, but many refuse it.  Members of the intelligencia who cast their stigma on those whom they deem the “bourgeoisie” (capitalists) struggle to dominate but history has proven their lack of success in their endeavors as well.  It’s the Christ and His finished work on the Cross that sets people free with the truth that no man or group of people can solve the sins committed in the hearts or people.  It’s eliminates all arguments by dividing into only two categories or classes of peoples:  saints and sinners. Only God can legislate the hearts of men.

Do you know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? We must first know Him as Lord and Savior before we can ever enjoy our relationship with Him as His friend. If you don’t know Jesus as your Lord and Savior and you would like to know Him, just say this prayer to Him:

Father in Heaven, I admit I am a sinner and I have not walked with you in my life. I acknowledge your son is Jesus Christ and he is the only mediator between us. Jesus, I am a sinner, I come to you for forgiveness of my sin and ask you to come into my heart and be the Lord of my Life. I will follow you at any and all costs. Help me hear and obey your voice at all times and walk close to you. Help me to stay sensitive to the leading of your precious Holy Spirit. In your name, Lord Jesus I ask. Amen.






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