Soul Prosperity – Part 1

Soul prosperity simply put means enlightenment. The Apostle John wrote:

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.  3rd John 1:2 [NKJV]

What is clear in this scripture is that prosperity is God’s intention for us but the emphasis is first that we prosper in our souls. Many people have different definitions of soul prosperity so let’s examine what John meant.

In my blog: Spirit, Soul & Body [], I explain how the Bible teaches us that God created us as a tripartite being.  We are made in the image of a triune God.  This is actually in the Bible.  The best book I know of that clarifies it best is The Spiritual Man, by Watchman Nee.  So what the Apostle John is referring to as soul prosperity is when our mind, will and emotions receive and accept a revelation from God.  We first receive any revelation from God, in His Word first in our spirit.  It is our souls that give us the challenge, so we must quiet our souls so that our spirits will hear the still, small voice of God.  It is when our souls hear, see and accept the revelation God gives us that we are able to enforce that Kingdom law.

Take healing, for example: modern science today is beginning to acknowledge the power of prayer.  I know of hospital organizations recognizing in their mission statement, as well as doctors encouraging families to pray while an operation was ongoing.  Modern medicine today can’t fully take a stand on the issue because the science has not caught up to fully explain how the power of prayer affects the human body.  Today there are full-gospel campuses that teach what the Bible has to say about healing to people who are ill.  Many of these schools actually have a high healing rate because people hear the Word of God on healing daily and it increases faith in their souls and once the soul comes alive to the Word of God the body follows.  That’s inevitable.  The body isn’t in control over the soul.  The soul owns the body.  But the Spirit owns the soul.  That’s Bible my friends.

So let’s examine what the issue is with financial prosperity. Is it true that God’s wants us to prosper financially?  We just read it in 3rd John 1:2.  So how are we missing it?  Clearly if God is handing something out to us, our hands are failing to reach out and take it.  Why doesn’t that financial prosperity manifest in our lives?  Where are we missing it?  Some of us should’ve come to wealth a long time ago with all the money we’ve given to ministries.  Many of us are faithful in our tithing.  We can miss our soul prosperity on this issue for several reasons.

Confidence in the Word.

Do you really believe that the Bible is God’s message sent to instruct us in living? The Bible tells us to cast not away our confidence in the Lord which hath great recompense of reward.  [Hebrews 10:35]  It also says that those who believe Him must have faith in Him for without it we cannot please God and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.  [Hebrews 11:6]  We’ve all heard different definitions of faith.  My own personal definition is simply “just taking God at His Word.”  He accepts that as acting in good faith with Him.  Taking God at His Word is powerful and defining.  It’s goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden.  That’s also how we receive salvation:  by believing His report and trusting in Him to honor our taking Him at His Word that His own son’s shed blood atones for our sins.  In fact, all over the Bible we find various references as to whom will we believe.  God or Satan?  The fall of humanity was centered around that question:  who do you believe?  God or the father of lies?

The benefits of the Kingdom of Heaven are enjoyed only when we acquire citizenship through his Son, Jesus Christ.   The only requirement to the citizenship is to ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life and the benefits of the laws of His kingdom are available immediately, but we must seek that knowledge in order to reap its benefits.  It is the same way here on earth with man’s laws.  If you don’t know there is a law that can benefit you and act upon it, you will not reap its benefits.

A roles of a lawyer and a minister are very similar, the only difference is that they practice laws of different jurisdictions. The lawyers practice the law of the land.  The ministers are practicing the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven.  Both dominions are active simultaneously but the difference is that just as federal law supercedes state law, the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven supercedes man’s laws.  Before the laws of the Kingdom are made manifest we must believe it from our spirit and receive it in our soul.  Don’t just take my word for it, study it yourselves.  God says in His word “Let us contend together; State your case that you may be acquitted.”  God is not only speaking to Israel in this passage; He is speaking to mankind.  God is very gracious and He is not willing that any should perish or be deceived or lack wisdom and truth.

When a lawyer goes to court he can’t just make a plea for the court to rule in his favor without a statute, ordinance or case law to back his request. The lawyers request must be based on solid and active law and he must make a convincing argument that applies those laws before the judge will rule in his favor.

There are also rules of procedure that must be followed before the issue can be brought before the judge.  When those requests are submitted before the court it is referred to as ‘moving before the court.’  The same applies to scripture and in fact, the scripture states that in Christ we ‘live and move and have our being.’  The Kingdom laws are not enforced without our revelation but once we get that revelation, we can enforce those laws here in our lifetime on earth.  Satan knows this and wants to keep us in the dark.  This is why Jesus said, “it is written.”  Because Jesus knew the laws of the His own Kingdom and He enforced those laws.

So what exactly are those laws? We have to look back at the division of authority and jurisdiction before you can fully believe that God’s Kingdom laws are available for enforcement in your life.  And why is that so important?

  1. Because you need to know the true facts of a case before you can be fully persuaded to come confidently before the throne and plead your own cause before the King; and
  2. Remember, the Word says when we pray, we are approaching the Throne of Grace but must do so in faith in order to enforce God’s Kingdom laws; and
  3. Because you must be able to correctly apply the Word (plead your case) before the King and that requires diligent study of the Word. Correct application requires no contradiction.  Even the lawyer requires a degree that proves diligence.

Many in the Body of Christ miss it here. God said we perish because of lack of knowledge. [Hosea 4:6].  Satan knows where you’re weak and will challenge you in that area every time.  He will fight you at every point he can to rob, steal and destroy your right to the quiet enjoyment of your titles Christ died to freely give you.  We can’t enforce laws of God’s Kingdom we don’t know are there or we have misapplied.

The division took place in Genesis Chapter 3 where God delivers the first judgment. God handed down declaratory judgment that rules to this day.  God spoke of the division of jurisdiction to Adam, Eve, the Serpent and Satan.  He defined their status in relationship to His Kingdom, their jurisdiction to each other and even who possesses the authority within the dimension.  Adam was originally given the authority to rule the dimension but through the fall, lost it to Satan.  Adam’s title was transferred from owner to lessee.  But then the second Adam the Bible (Jesus) overcame Satan’s authority by entering into the world like a son of Adam (as Son of Man), being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin to secure title to that authority (Son of God).  But He couldn’t stop there.  He had to live a sinless life, pay that penalty for sin and then be resurrected to prove that the penalty was actually paid before ascending to the right hand of the Father to enforce on our behalf.  He didn’t do it for His own benefit because He already had His authority for Himself.  But even still, we can’t enforce the benefits of the laws of His Kingdom without first being a citizen.

Growing Spiritually is a Requirement.

Therefore take heed how you hear, for whoever has, to him more will be given, and whoever does not have, even what he seems to have will be taken from him.  Luke 8:18

The Bible tells us here that we get more revelation as we use the revelation we get or it stops.  It’s known as The Law of Use.  We must experience a continuous and progressive revelation of the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven in order to continue reaping its benefits here in this life.  That’s the proof of spiritual growth that produces fruit.  That’s what the Bible is referring to when it speaks of the saints growing from glory to glory.  Our light gets brighter and brighter [Prov. 4:18].

It is only through true soul prosperity that we can ‘live and move and have our being’ in Him. And, we know that the Bible can’t contradict itself, but we can contradict ourselves in our understanding and application of the Word if we don’t experience that soul prosperity.  The soul prosperity comes when we believe God’s report by studying it diligently for ourselves.

We also need preachers in our lives to help us properly grow in our spiritual maturity so picking the right church is very important. Don’t walk in your journey without attending church, you won’t grow correctly.  We need that social interaction in order to adjust and grow in God’s grace.  We also need social interaction to avoid social maladjustment.  Most of all, we need revelation in His Word in order to spiritually mature and produce fruit that pleases God.

If you’re having issues with giving financially to God’s Kingdom, I invite you to pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father, I come to you for wisdom and understanding in the area of my finances. Your Holy Word promises me in James that if I ask for wisdom you won’t withhold it.  I thank you Father that you won’t withhold your wisdom from your hand.  I commit to you Father that I will diligently study your Word which instructs me in wisdom and righteousness.  I will commit to you Father that when my study is over, I will apply the knowledge you give me to help others find this knowledge of your grace provided in your Son, Jesus Christ.  I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, your son – Amen.

Join me next time on Soul Prosperity – Part 2 [] when I blog on the laws of prosperity found in the Bible.

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In His Service,

Laurie Walters


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