The Days of Elijah (Part 2)

The days of Elijah are a prophetic precursor to the Second Coming of the Messiah.  This time is a culmination of an ancient war against two kingdoms, two schools of thought.  On the one hand:  who is God?  On the other:  what is truth?  This debate not only continues but will do so until the Messiah arrives.  Until that day, the Church must endeavor to fight the good fight of faith by taking its stand for God’s definition of truth.

In order to stay focused on the good fight of faith we must first expose the lies and methodology of the Jezebel Spirit.  As I mentioned in Part 1, this spirit is feminine in nature, though not in actuality.  In other words, this wicked entity is male in actuality, but operates in a feminine manner.  Why does knowing this matter?  Because it is key to exposing this demonic principality.  The Church at large ignores and dismisses the dire necessity of exposing this principality and its methods.  We know from the Bible how this principality operates.  As we break down the method we must keep in mind the aforementioned two schools of thought as territory for each kingdom.

  1. The Spirit of Jezebel Controls through Emotions.

Jezebel was delusional because she was emotionally guided.  She did not think of herself as evil.  She thought she was in the right and Naboth was rebellious.  Her husband Ahab wanted a vineyard owned by a man named Naboth.  Ahab offered to purchase the vineyard but Naboth wasn’t selling.  Ahab went to his wife, Jezebel and cried like a baby and she consoled her husband.  How dare this man refuse the king!  If it weren’t for Ahab, he wouldn’t even have a vineyard!  [1st Kings 21:1-16]

This emotionally led reasoning is where most women miss it.  It seems like the right motive but not tested by the Word.  Held up to the Word of God it would have translated with the Golden Rule like:  if it’s God’s will for Ahab to have the vineyard he will end up with it.

This emotionally led reasoning continues to destroy marriages and the family unit today.  We can trace this back to the Garden of Eden.  Eve looked at the fruit and from what she saw, her emotions reacted and she chose.  Emotions are triggered by our intellect and physical senses.  They are only a component part of our being.  The biggest challenge for us all is to be spiritually guided rather than emotionally guided.

Women are inclined to be guided by their emotional senses because if the circumstances conjure good sensations then they feel their conscience is clear.  They are controlled by the culture of their environment.  They are walking by sight and not by faith.  But the Bible teaches that if we love the culture of the world that will make us an enemy of God.  [1 John 2:15; James 4:4] The Bibles teaches that we must walk by faith and not by sight because without faith it is impossible to please God.  It tells us that when the Spirit of God resides in us He makes war on our souls and that is the struggle for all mankind.  [Galatians 5:17]  Instead, we intellectualize from what we see (environmental control) and we make choices that result in failure and suffer the consequences.  This is not a life being led by the Holy Spirit.

The spirit of man is what the soul is encapsulated in but at the fall of man, the two were severed from their synchronicity.  The spirit of man is the center of his being and the place to hear God’s voice.  [Job 32:8].  It is a still small voice inside but the soul must be quieted in order to hear Him.

For men, it’s a different story because their fallen nature is driven by their intellect.  The difference between the man and woman are not in the differences of God’s perfect design, but in the declared judgment upon each after breaking God’s law in the Garden.  Eve broke it through the reactions of her emotions.  Adam broke it after Eve gave it to him and he intellectualized what she said and fell too.  Being intellectually driven is not a life being led by the Holy Spirit either.  In the fallen state of mankind, both men and women are driven soulically through different compartments.

Join us next time when the discussion is how the Spirit of Jezebel seeks to deceive and control by redefining boundaries


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