The Days of Elijah – Conclusion

In conclusion, we covered the various methods of how the principality known as the Spirit of Jezebel works.  In conclusion I’d like to illustrate the manifestations of her work.

Case Scenario #1:

There are so many false teachers out there it is frightening to the mature Christ follower.  Jesus said, “by their fruits you know them.”  The definition of the word ‘fruit’ in this passage is simply fruit that is plucked.  Jesus, in his example said that a good tree gives off good fruit and a bad tree gives bad fruit.  What he was saying was to take a look at the evidence and you’ll know the nature of the ministry.  Is it a ministry focused on quantity rather than quality?  What about their definition of good and evil?  Are they carrying God’s dictionary of terms or their own?  Are they calling it what God calls it?  That’s huge in today’s culture because the spirit of Jezebel has pulled a real gaslighter and blurred the boundaries very well here.  Does the ministry follow the Holy Spirit?  Are both the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit both taught and manifest?

Does the minister personally display the fruits of the Holy Spirit based on Gal. 5:22?  Or is their definition of fruit simply bigger buildings and more programs to bring people in and then hides behind the Lord’s admonition not to judge in order to excuse himself from not having to display that fruit?  Sure, we must not judge, but discernment is not judging.  The difference between discernment and judgment is humility and pride.  Discernment operates in humility while judgment operates in pride.  I am not criticizing buildings or programs but these things are not the definition of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, which should be part of the focus.  We must know how to discern false leaders and keep our sincere ones in check.  And there are many good and sincere ministers out there.  I’m certainly not trying to bring all ministers down but there are many that have risen in the ranks that are deceiving people because they are deceived themselves.  We all need checks and balances.  We must allow voices to arise and speak truth or we will have no truth at all.

Many in the pulpits of America are led by their own lust for fame and fortune and they fleece their flocks.  A Christ follower who is mature in living the crucified life discerns them and are not welcome.  Jesus said to shake the dust from off your feet when you encounter people who don’t welcome you.  One should never walk into a church and not be made to feel welcome.  These false teachers don’t live the crucified lives themselves.  They follow the way of Jezebel who leads them by their narcissism.  The Bible tells us that by their fruits we will know them and every minister must be able to live truthfully among the congregants.  They can’t hide their personal lifestyles and must be transparent to everyone.  This is why Jesus said ‘by their fruits we will know them.”  Is the lifestyle proving to be Cross-centric or self-centric?  A minister of the gospel should prove his or her integrity by display.  We can’t just take their word for it; we must see the evidence of integrity.  Is there an evangelistic core in their ministry?  Does their own lifestyle prove that Christ provides therefore they don’t need to hoard the wealth?  Sure, they can be successful in their bookselling but do they give back in proportion to their success?  Does that giving back reflect taking up their own cross?  That cross must be displayed for everyone to see.

It gets displayed by how they function both personally and corporately.  Personnel you you see the fruits of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, faith, meekness and gentleness?  Do they teach spiritual warfare to the point of being mean-spirited toward others?  Do they walk in love?  Does the church have an evangelistic core?  Are they transparent with congregants or do they build a personal wall around them?  When taking an overall view of his ministry do you find anything deceptive?  These are the questions we must ask ourselves.

In the prior generation somehow the Enemy deceived many in the pulpit to adopt administrative rules that we can not find in the Bible.  Rules such as to avoid transparency to the congregation and government authorities.  Where is that in the Bible?!  One would think a minister of the gospel would at least have common sense enough to see that Jesus said, “what you do in the dark will be shown in the light.”  Apparently these ministers forgot that scripture.  If the government comes calling asking for records, one should show they have nothing to hide because they’ve been working honestly for the Lord the entire time.  Anyone listening to legal advice that conflicts with the scriptures needs to fire that lawyer and find another one.  Not all lawyers are created equal.  Some are looking for billable hours.  If you avoid litigation whenever possible you will be following that scripture to live peaceably with all men whenever possible.  Don’t be an embarrassment to the Lord.

What ministers should do is preach and teach the Bible so that people can grow to spiritual maturity.  Instead, many want to lead a congregation of babies but when it comes time to change a diaper or two he complains.  These ministers don’t want to preach and teach the Bible so that members can mature spiritually because that challenges them to mature spiritually.  Remember, Jesus said “no servant is greater than his master” which means, no one spiritually matures more than the minister, who is the leader of the flock.  Instead, we’re dealing with churches that are upside down in maturity and false leaders creep in because people don’t have the spiritual maturity required to discern and those that do are not welcome.  Like Elijah, they are labeled as trouble makers.

Case Scenario #2:

In the Church at large in America today we find many people running from one meeting to another looking for a ‘word’ from the Lord when all they need to do read their Bibles and get down on their knees and pray.  Some need to cry out to the Lord for clarity amidst the confusion.  Others need to take up their cross and follow Him.  Their actions alone admit they don’t hear the voice of the Lord.  That very thought frightens me because He said, “My sheep hear my voice and no other voice will they follow.”  So if I’m following every prophet I cross paths with just to get a word from the Lord then I’m not really following Him.  If I’m not patient enough to be still and know that He is the Lord and listen for his voice, then I’m not following Him.  Again, at some point in our walk with Christ we must come to the fullness of knowledge so that we may lead others to maturity.  At some point in our walk with Christ we must examine our own maturity to avoid becoming one of those Paul talked about ‘never coming to the full knowledge.’  Paul warned us and gave an illustration of women who constantly run from one meeting to another giving the appearance of seeking but not proving a maturity level.  At some point we have to leave the sandbox of spiritual play.

Today, in full gospel circles we have those who just can’t stop their personal prophesying.  I have seen some do it to such a disturbing level that it proves the evidence of Jezebel’s leading.  These people just look silly to everyone around them with any smidgen of spiritual maturity.  What many of these personal prophets are doing is eating at the table of Jezebel.  When one eats from her table, they ingest her spiritual food and that leads to nothing but error.  Those who eat at her table have a gut instinct that leads to destruction.  These false prophets were so convinced by the fact their deception was supernatural they didn’t even question whether it was of God or not.  Friends, even when and especially when you encounter the supernatural don’t just accept it – TEST IT.  The Bible instructs us to do so.  Just because it’s supernatural and feels good doesn’t make it from God.  This is where we must take the example of Jesus talking about the tree with the good fruit.  When he was referring to the tree and whether it yields fruits of good or evil, He was instructing the listeners to check their dictionary.  Whether you use God’s definition of good and evil or another definition.  When it’s God’s definition of good and evil, it all flows and results without contradiction.  When you’re being led by God through the Holy Spirit, God leads you to an end result which is good because from His hand flows good.  The Bible says so.  It says, out of His hand flows good to every living being.  But if you don’t know the Word of God, nothing will flow and you must stay in the Word of God to keep that flow.  It’s difficult to discern and certainly can’t be discerned from anyone but the Spirit of the Living God.  That’s how so many churches split and fall away.  Jezebel wins by her controlling powers through the age old strategy of divide and conquer and she’s an expert at it.

I know of one person who said Jesus told them how many lost souls are leaving this world per minute.  There is not one shred of evidence in the Bible that Jesus spoke to his own disciples in such a manner.  This type of narcissistic garbage is not being led by the Holy Spirit; it’s being led by the spirit of Jezebel.  She leads by emotions cloaked with good intentions sprinkled with a little pride on top.  A little bitter of sugar makes her medicine go down.  The Holy Spirit leads in agreement with the crucified carnal nature.  He puts a stake in our narcissism.  If there is one shred of “me” in it, it’s NOT the Holy Spirit, it’s the spirit of Jezebel.  The queen of narcissism.

Consider this:  the Hebrews in the desert had to put a snake on a pole (directed by Moses) and had to stare at the pole until they were healed.  After a time, they began burning incense to the pole.  The pole itself became an idol and had to be removed by King Hezekiah – 900 years later!

Many of those following the bandwagon of personal prophecies are deceived by their lust for glory and admiration of others and that’s why it’s easy to follow those leaders.  They lack the spiritual maturity and won’t pay the price for it.  They are close to the cross, but they can’t look directly at it.  Their focus is left of center.  I’m not saying that all prophecies that are personal are not from God.  I am saying there are those who follow prophecies and become ungulfed in it that it defines them.  Our definition is found solely in the finished work on the cross and nothing else.  Balance is key here.  Anything taken to an extreme become deception.  It’s easy to get our eyes off of Jesus.  We must keep our eyes on Jesus.

Friends, it’s all the more proof we are in the last days!  Jesus addressing the Pharisees of his day said in Mark 4:12:  “they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven.”  Just like the false prophets of Jezebel were stabbing each other calling on their false god many in the Church today are led by the lust of their hearts which leads them to shipwreck and ‘piercing themselves with many griefs’ described in 1st Timothy 6:10.

A supernatural manifestation doesn’t prove it’s from God.  Remember, Jesus said ‘many will come in my name and deceive.”  Not few, but many.  I don’t say that to infuse paranoia, I say it to wake up many who are deceived by their own carnal lusts for fame and fortune.  The Bible instructs us to test the spirits and see whether they be of God.  We must look at every ministry and examine their evidence.  If it can’t pass the test of Cross-centric on all levels, don’t follow it.  God is seeking those who will follow him with all their hearts, not just a portion of it.

For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.  2 Chron. 16:9.

The real Days of Elijah are upon us soon.  Suffice it to say that if Jezebel left her head (painted face), hands and feet while Elijah left on a chariot of fire – there WILL be a final confrontation.  Just as Jezebel led by deception those who were misguided by faith in false gods and deceptive supernatural manifestations so are many in the full gospel churches today.  Like the snake on the pole in the desert, they burned incense to the pole and were focused left of center.  To many ministers their own ministries have become their idols.  The Bible warns us against making an idol from the ‘works of our own hands.’  Friends, God is not mocked.  We reap what we sow.  That is how people become ‘ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding.’

Today’s church idolatry is true worship replaced by entertainment.  Celebrity culture of Hollywood has invaded and many are following fame and fortune rather than translating into the true nature of the Cross-centric, crucified life.  No longer are many churches preaching Christ and Him crucified.  The Holy Spirit has become marginalized.  And we wonder why we’re not in revival.  It’s never God’s will for us to not be in revival.  We’re reaping what we’ve sown.

If you have experienced the spiritual abuse of a leader who has left his first love and followed the path of Jezebel pray this prayer:  Father in Heaven, I thank you that you gave your son to be the propitiation of my own sin.  I thank you that his blood cleanses me from all my sin and keeps me in good standing with you.  I ask for a heart of forgiveness, compassion, empathy and love toward all who have offended me while I have served you and in good faith.  I ask that you keep me in your perfect peace as my mind remains focused on you.  I ask that nothing in this life hinders my testimony because I will only overcome by your blood and my testimony.  I ask that my testimony never become perjury.  In the name of Jesus Christ I ask.  Amen.


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