The Days of Elijah (Part 4)

The Spirit of Jezebel is Gender Orientated.

The feminine traits she was known for were her exceptional beauty and political status as queen.  With her femininity she manipulates circumstances to trigger emotional reaction.  The real clue is not just that she painted her face, but that knowing she was going to be confronted by Jehu she painted her face.  The very nature of her response to the circumstances is what reveals her methods.  She disguised evil with her beauty by painting her face.  She was and still is a gaslighter!  She thought she had her bases covered.  Her actions also revealed her thoughts.  She thought she would first deal with Jehu like she dealt with everyone:  show him her beautiful face and he would succumb like all the others.  If not, then surely the people would not allow such a beautiful woman to be executed.  Instead, she was thrown from the tower and wild dogs consumed her remains except her painted face (head), hands and feet.  The last fact was certainly the evidence to mankind that she would be honored posthumously by her false god, Satan.

She emotionally manipulated Ahab’s power by comforting him when he was depressed that he couldn’t acquire the vineyard he wanted from Naboth.  She thought she was acting righteously and that Naboth was unrighteous to refuse her husband his request for the vineyard.  Naboth was acting righteously because it was Mosaic law that he could not ever sell the vineyard.  She then executed Naboth by using false witnesses to wrongfully convict him at trial.  Two wrongs made a right in her reasoning.  Jezebel’s strongest clue is that her first goal is always power and control.

Her beauty mesmerized those she controlled.  Let’s unpack that.  She had a beauty that was superior to other women.  Those who are deceived by her are easily swayed by beauty.  Beauty is identified as good and those that follow beauty are easily deceived by what they see.  If it looks good, they follow it without question.  The Bible warns us that there is a seemingly good instinct inside us that always leads to destruction.  She paints the way by the seductive beauty of her good intentions, much like she painted her face but she never displays the destructive end to which it leads.  It’s pretty ridiculous, but that’s how Jezebel works.  She deceives and then her followers always end up with an embarrassing end, just like the false prophets that followed her.

Her deception lies in the painted face driven by a passion for power which was the cause of her fall.  Her unquenchable hunger for power was not just for political power but also for spiritual power evidenced by her control of what god was to be worshipped in Israel.  This hunger for power led her to step out of her own boundaries as queen which brought on a necessary confrontation with the Almighty God.

This principality will come to its final judgment and be thrown from its height in the days of Elijah that will proceed the Second Coming.  The Church at large today would do well to remember that as well as the fact that Israel was the only nation to possess God’s truth in Jezebel’s day, just as the Church is today.  I am not endorsing replacement theology, it is a statement of fact.  So what the Church needs to do is identify the beautiful disguise of her methods which have infiltrated the Church.

How do we identify her methods in the Church?  Again, we must look for the mask of good which ends in destruction.  Surely, anyone grounded in the Word of God having a solid definition of good and evil know the difference.  Any mature in Christ Christian can sit through a sermon and know when something said just doesn’t taste right.  Now the difference here and it can’t be emphasized enough, is that the mature Christian is grounded in the Word of God evidenced by a strong conviction of good and evil defined by the Word of God.  If the mature have been fed any type of doctrine that leads to any thing soulical, there will be a disagreement in the spirit.

So what does this principality called Jezebel do to deceive the Church?  She brings in her disguise of good intentions to subtly compromise the truth.  For example, in order to reach the lost some churches have developed marketing plans that are centered on seeker-friendly.  While it is good to seek to win the lost and bring the backsliders back, we can’t compromise the truth with watered down preaching because the people can’t handle the truth.  The Bible is a strong book.  It’s a sword, not a butter knife.  Here’s my best analogy:  if a surgeon were to operate with a butter knife, how would that help the patient?  How do we help those who are in darkness come into His marvelous light?

And while I’m on the subject:  why do we want to bring people out of the darkness while we’re taking cues from Hollywood (Jezebel’s headquarters) by allowing the worship parts of our services to become entertainment just so we can bring the youth to church?  Entertainment is not worship!  And why have we decided to replace the choirs with stages and allow the youth to have a concert instead of learn to worship God in the manner HE chooses?  All those in ministry are wondering why they’re not only having a hard time planting churches but having to deal with sin in their own lives.  It’s no wonder to me.

Why are we not allowing the light in to our churches?  That light is so marvelous it will be the delivering force from the evil of this world.  Instead, we’ve marginalized the Holy Spirit’s delivering power by marginalizing the power of the worship and preaching the Word of God.

The lost need to be brought in, but they need to be saved by the Holy Spirit and not appeased by their emotions.  That’s pure soulical and not spiritual.  That’s the work of Jezebel today.

Join me next time for The Days of Elijah when we address how Jezebel gaslights with narcissism


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